Commissioned Work
Noto Adlam (redesign): Google LLC, Alphabet Inc.
Noto Tifinagh (redesign): Google LLC, Alphabet Inc.
Noto Sans Ethiopic, Gurage complement: Google LLC, Alphabet Inc.
Noto Sans Ethiopic Condensed, Gurage complement: Google LLC, Alphabet Inc.
Noto Serif Ethiopic, Gurage complement: Google LLC, Alphabet Inc.
Noto Serif Ethiopic Condensed, Gurage complement: Google LLC, Alphabet Inc.
Google Sans (branding fonts), Ethiopic complements: Google LLC, Alphabet Inc.
Ebrima N’ko (redesign): Microsoft Corporation
Ebrima N’ko Bold (redesign): Microsoft Corporation
Ebrima Adlam: Microsoft Corporation
Ebrima Adlam Bold: Microsoft Corporation
Adlam Display (with Andrew Footit): Microsoft Corp./McCann Worldwide
Pro Bono Work
Mandombe script: Instituto Sankofa dya Masano, Angola
— font, keyboard, encoding proposal development
Gbékoun script: Fon community, Benin
— fonts, keyboard, encoding proposal development
N’ko script phonetic extensions: Boubacar Diakité, Mali
— font, keyboard, smartphone app, encoding proposal development
Sunuwar script: The Sunuwar Welfare Society of Nepal
— fonts, keyboard, smartphone app, encoding conversion utility
N’ko script: World Organization for the Advancement of N’ko, Guinea/USA
— desktop keyboards, Unicode CLDR development
Adlam script: Ibrahima & Abdoulaye Barry, Guinea/USA
— desktop keyboard, smartphone apps, transliteration utility
Adlam script: Library of Congress, USA
— transliteration utility for cataloging
Vai script: Tombekai Sherman, Côte D’Ivoire
— transliteration utility
Bété script: Unicode Consortium, USA
— encoding proposal development, keyboard, smartphone app